Tuesday, October 1, 2024

The Express Diaries by Nick Marsh

A version of this article appeared in Knights of the Dinner Table #196 (February, 2013)

Role-playing has always been intimately linked to literature, it grew from wargaming, certainly, but its
soul has also been a deep desire to live within the fantastical worlds we immerse ourselves in while reading.  Indeed, styles of role-play can often be divined from one’s reading preferences (
Conan fans usually love hack and slash, for example). Many books have inspired role-playing games, and as the role-playing hobby has developed, it has inspired books in its own turn. 

Usually these works are best when a writer simply sets a work within a specific role-playing setting, though many have attempted to turn their characters exploit into novels, those attempts usually fall very flat. But not always, some writers have succeeded in turning roleplaying campaign inspiration into fictional gold. 

The Express Diaries by Nick Marsh was inspired by a series of role-playing sessions played and recorded by an RPG group, the Bradford Players (at one time these were available for sale online, as shown here, but they seem to be no longer available, sadly). The Bradford Players were running through a classic Call of Cthulhu adventure, Horror on the Orient Express (Chaosium, 1991). The adventure was inspired by the literary works of H.P. Lovecraft and Thomas Ligotti, Marsh’s novelization of the game sessions brings the cycle full circle. 

The novel follows a band of investigators as they chase down the mystery of the “Sedefkar Simulacrum” from London to Constantinople and back again, travelling generally on the infamous Orient Express. The tales is told, as the title implies, through various diary and journal entries, and further expanded through newspaper articles, advertisements. This is reminiscent of Stoker’s technique in
Dracula and it is equally effective in this work. 

Perhaps because Marsh wasn’t one of the original players, but rather an outsider inspired by the sessions, this novel suffers from none of the self-indulgent flaws one usually finds in fiction inspired by game sessions. The characters view points are each unique, and this is apparent as the view shifts with each entry.  The earlier chapters have quite a bit of humor, some of it can get a bit predictable for anyone familiar with gaming in the 19th century. That doesn’t prevent it from being funny, however, and the early humor allows the reader to bond with the characters, and lulls the reader, so that when the horror truly begins, it is a bit shocking. 

For gamers, the value of this work is obvious, it serves as a wonderful example of a Call of Cthulhu campaign, or really, it works for nearly any horror adventure. The Bradford players seem to have been very role-playing oriented, none of the characters could be described as combat heavy hitters so the campaign is an excellent example of games in which direct combat and firefights play little if any role (appropriate, for the setting). 

Marsh’ sense of humor and ability to portray character is excellent, his prose is very sure-footed. Perhaps he doesn’t quite handle the horrific portions of the tale quite as well as the humorous sections, but they are still a great read. The reader heavily identifies with the characters and subsequently feels their defeats quite keenly. 

Of course, critical for any tale of this sort are the scenes on the train proper, as well as the sense of travel as the story progresses across Europe. This is one of Marsh’ strengths, the train comes alive through his prose, the reader feels as if they too have taken the long journey, and despite the horror, like they might want to take another such trip. I appreciate when he points out anachronisms such as dining cars that appear in the original adventure.

The novel is well suited for both prequels and sequels, and one can hope that Marsh finds good reason to continue novelizing the adventures of the Bradford Players. Certainly this work is a worthy addition to the Cthulhu mythos, even if Lovecraft himself may not have approved of the tale (he seems to have preferred a single protagonist, and never a female lead).In fact, I found this comment from a reader on the book's Amazon page extremely insightful: "...not so much something H.P. Lovecraft himself might have written as what you might have gotten if Clark Ashton Smith had written a Bram Stoker pastiche." I wish I written that myself!

If you enjoy horror, the writings of H.P. Lovecraft, or if you enjoy role-playing then give The Express Diaries a read. Or if you just are in between campaigns and need a Call of Cthulhu fix. Regardless, you’ll have a good read.

All views in this blog are my own and represent the views of no other person, organization, or institution.

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Think Deep

 All views in this blog are my own and represent the views of no other person, organization, or institution.

Wanderer above the Sea of Fog
by Caspar David Friedrich (1818)
Many accuse me of being grumpy, and that is probably fair as I find that much of the world is a constant irritation to me. Earlier today I found myself being irritated by someone who, in all fairness, was just trying to earn their living as a genre author, just working to spread their "brand" in the current common vernacular. And no, this is not someone who knows me in any way, just a stranger that Facebook's algorithm decided I should see. Despite the fact that "fantasy romance" is not a genre that I read or routinely discuss. 

I stopped to ponder the source of my irritation, I realized it was the shallowness of this author's spiel. She was listing reasons why folks might like her books and it was simply keywords "conflicted heroine", "demons", "magic sword," and "morally challenged protagonist." I'm sure she is familiar with the basics of plot structure, that she had a  basic education in literature, ect. But she felt the only way she could get readers was to hit a check off list story elements. She didn't even try to convince us the plot mattered, or that there were any literary aspirations in her work.

I understand advertising has limits, that it is an essentially shallow medium. Heck, advertising for The Lord of the Rings was shallow and reductionist. So sure, she was working at a disadvantage in a medium designed to be shallow. 

We let ourselves and the world down, however, when we simply bow to that. 

I don't blame this young lady, she has to "monetize", she has to earn and sell, because whether she likes it or not, she lives in a capitalist society.  Beyond that, I recognize the value of art that is simple, carefree, shallow. All of us need to turn the brain off and just follow some simple, cheerful tales on occasion. That's exceedingly healthy. 

But it should not be all art, or even most art, and it should not be what we all seek, all the time. 

Think deep.

Don't just watch a tv show or movie, or just read a book. Study them, examine them, think about what the intended, and unintended, messages of the story might be. 

And don't just do this for movies or books or stories. Do it for songs, whether country ballads or K-Pop dance songs. Consider what values and meanings lie beneath the surface. 

Do the same with your religion. Don't doze off during readings or sermons. Dissect them. Consider the words, consider what rhetorical tricks are used, what logical inconsistencies are papered over. 

Think deep. 

Compare and contrast sources. Trust everything and nothing. 

As long as you live and have sentience, you have an obligation to use that grey matter in your skull to properly understand as much as you possibly can. 

Think deep.

Consider what you want your life to mean. Life has a meaning, and that meaning is decided by each and every one of us individually. Live according to that meaning.

Think deep.

At least I will then be irritated less often. 

Friday, July 12, 2024

The Role of Historians in Public Affairs

 All views in this blog are my own and represent the views of no other person, organization, or institution.

I'm on leave today. Not working.  

So, this article is interesting. 

I'm interested in what other historians think of this article. 

I've generally found Heather Cox Richardson's "Letters from an American" insightful and useful. I'm a historian myself, yet as my historian friends know, I have nowhere near her reputation within the field or with the general public. I'm often very critical of other historians, but I have mostly found her essays connecting current American politics to the past insightful. She especially has a solid grasp on the history of white supremacy and authoritarianism in the United States. She is a recognized authority on American political history.

On the other hand, as a military historian I have found her foreign policy analysis a bit basic, not wrong exactly but not as insightful as her other work. And I have certainly found her to be too much of a fan of Biden, she cuts him slack when he probably should be criticized a bit (on Afghanistan, for example).

I agree with the article, she should not have made the statement claiming historical precedent concerning our current political situation this past weekend - that stepped from historian offering analysis to flat-out campaigning for Biden. The election contest between Biden and Trump is unprecedented in American history, and you have to be even more careful then usual when using history to understand it. 

But William Hogeland is definitely making a more extensive argument here, his point concerns the role of historians in public affairs and the uses of history. History never repeats itself, drawing lessons from history is difficult - ironically, history is littered with examples of people who based their actions on "lessons" they drew from history and failed spectacularly. On the other hand, my own work only exists because the military needs to draw concrete lessons from history - a practical use of history that many academic historians flat-out reject. 

In his article he implies that Richardson should be addressing the current crisis in the liberal arts that has slammed the American higher education system. I'm not certain that her work is not addressing those issues, albeit indirectly. 

More to the point, since Trump and the Heritage Foundation have adopted the Communist policy of rewriting history to suit their personal desires, who is supposed to oppose that? If historians like Richardson are not speaking up, who will correct the outright historical lies?  

The Trump Supreme Court has shown what lawyers will do to to history if no one opposes them, what will historians do to protect it? 

This turned more partisan than I intended when I began writing it. A useful lesson in how a historian of Richardson's skill might make a misstep like she did this past weekend. I think I would prefer the occasional mistake of that sort to silence in an ivory tower. 

I just don't see Hogeland offering a practical alternative. 

All views in this blog are my own and represent the views of no other person, organization, or institution.

Monday, January 1, 2024

What I read in 2023

On New Years, 2019 a friend of mine posted a list of the books they had read in 2018. I thought it was a great idea so I've been posting such a list myself ever since, first on Facebook, now on my blog. I find it a very useful exercise in self-reflection - though I am sure it is really just another example of my narcissism. 😏

If anyone else makes such lists, I'd love to see them. Feel free to share the lists, or links to your lists, in the comments.😀 You can find my previous years here: 201920202021 and 2022.

Looking over this year's list (see below), I had fewer rereads then normal. Lots of fantasy as usual, but not many Tolkien reads. Overall, I read as many works as I usually do. But I didn't have as many focused topic reads this year. I continued reading the Frigate Navy period, of course, and my normal interests - the Corps, Thieves' World, the Lovecraft circle, ect. - all show up but over all it was a fairly mixed year. As usual, the fantasy genre dominated my non-professional reading. As usual, I only listed books I read all the way through, so the massive amount of reading I did for work isn't included. Only the few books I read over to cover. 

# of Rereads: 25 (I've marked rereads below with an *) 
# Military History reads: 8
# of fantasy works: 40
# by or about Tolkien or Inklings: 4
# related to Lovecraft or the Mythos: 5
# of Marine reads: 5 
# Frigate Navy period reads: 9
# Thieves' World & related: 12
# Matter of Britain/France works: 3
# of holiday reads: 8
# historical fiction reads: 7
# World War II reads: 5
# Late Roman/Byzantine reads: 2

All views in this blog are my own and represent the views of no other person, organization, or institution.

Monday, December 25, 2023

Yule Review: Santa Claus in Fantasy Fiction


A version of this article appeared in 
Knights of the Dinner Table #182 (December, 2011).

Some of the pictures of Father Christmas in our world make him look only funny and jolly. But now that the children actually stood looking at him they didn’t find it quite like that. He was so big, and so glad, and so real, that they all became quite still. They felt very glad, but also very solemn. 

The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, by C.S. Lewis.

It is once again the merry time of Yule, when the old year dies and the new is born again. It is natural in the northern hemisphere, and especially in the truly northern regions, to associate this time with death and rebirth. It is a special time for myth and religion, a time that seems to attract mythical figures like moth to a flame. Christianity and Mithraism both chose this time to honor the broth of their respective deities, of course, but equally entwined in the season is the legend of the Gift Bringer, a magical figure that rewards children for good behavior and, sometimes, punishes the bad children. 

The gift figure takes many forms throughout Europe, ranging from the Yule Goat of Scandinavia to La Befana, the Old Woman of Italy or the Christkind of Bavaria and Austria. The more common form, however is a bearded old man, usually connected to the Christian Saint Nicholas, called Father Christmas in the British Isles. In America he is Santa Claus, and like many American things he has sprung from his old world origins to spread back out throughout the world. 

Whatever we call him, Santa Claus is a powerfully mythic figure and a seeming natural for fantasy fiction, especially the more mystical, dream-like style of fantasy that follows in Lord Dunsany’s footsteps far from the  fields we know and deep into the realms of Faerie. But as I have mentioned before, Christmas remains a difficult subject, and perhaps its relentless commercialization and the plethora of children’s stories have dissuaded fantasy authors from exploring its fantasy potential. Regardless, there are some very good fantasy tales of Santa, by the greatest writers in the field, and fantasy lovers looking for a fantastical take on Christmas should give them a try.   

Perhaps the earliest fantasy novel to tell a Santa story is L. Frank Baum's excellent The Life and
Adventures of Santa Claus
(1902), which I reviewed here. Baum revisited Santa in the short story "A Kidnapped Santa Claus" (1904), a sequel to the origin tale which the five "Daemons of the Caves" (Selfishness, Envy, Hatred, Malice, and Repentance). They try to eliminate Santa and his influence on children first through temptation then when that fails through kidnapping. It's an excellent short parable, with plenty of fodder for gamemasters.

C.S. Lewis, of course, employs Father Christmas, but his momentous appearance in Narnia in The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe (1950) was indistinguishable from Santa save in name. His appearance is a pivotal plot point, and the gifts he brings are not mere toys, but essential to the tale.

Rather similar to Galadriel's gifts in Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings. Lewis’ friend J.R.R. Tolkien produced a series of letters from Father Christmas to his children, written over two decades and first published in 1976.  Letters from Father Christmas (revised 1999), notable not only for its engaging prose and episodic tales of life at the North Pole, but also because so many of the motifs and events of Tolkien’s The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings, and Silmarillion are foreshadowed in the letters.

Of course, as well written as they are, the Santa works of Tolkien, Lewis, and Baum are aimed at children.  Seabury Quinn’s Roads, first published in Weird Tales in 1938 and then in hardback by Arkham House in 1948, is written for adults, asking the question, "What if Conan the Barbarian became Santa Claus?"  The Arkham House novel was well illustrated by Virgil Finlay, and was reprinted in 2005.  It is divided into three parts, ‘The Road to Bethlehem,’ ‘The Road to Calvary,’ and ‘The Long, Long

Santa is really "Claudius" an immortal German mercenary who apparently spent centuries slaughtering his way across Europe and the Middle east with his equally immortal wife (a sort of Jewish Red Sonja who begins life as a prostitute in a brothel run by Mary Magdalen). The book positively reeks of anti-Semitism and Anglo-Saxon triumphalism. Quinn is best known for writing occult detective stories, which appeared in the pulp magazines alongside the tales of H.P. Lovecraft, R.E. Howard, and Clark Ashton Smith. 
Roads is a religious Christmas tale told through a Sword & Sorcery lens and dripping with 1930s style anti-Semitism that it simply never rises above.

A more modern take comes in Bill Willingham’s long running comic Fables. The comic addressed Santa, in “Jiminy Christmas” (issue #56). Santa is a

‘Fable’ (a living, breathing fairy tale) of course, but he is a particularly powerful one who somehow transcends the other Fables in power and influence. The tale is very adult, all though it portrays a young child’s quest to see Santa during his gift-giving (the explanation provided for Claus’ miraculous Christmas Eve global service is sublime). Like Lewis, Willingham uses Santa as a deus ex machina who passes gifts and knowledge onto the protagonists. It also provides one of the best explanations for how Santa reaches all the houses around the globe in one night. 
Another modern fantasy take is Tony Abbot's Kringle, from 2005. It isn't a traditional Christmas book but rather a Dark Age bildungsroman. Kringle has goblins, elves, magic, all against a back drop of Anglo-Saxon Britain. It's very
good, but it is really only about the start of the tale, how Kringle transform into Santa is barely addressed. But as far as it goes its a great, fun, fantasy tale. It reminds me a great deal of Poul Anderson's The Broken Sword, with the magic world existing alongside but hidden from the barbarity of the Dark Ages.

An even more modern take is The Christmas Chronicles: The Legend of Santa Claus by Tim Slover. It is a pleasant enough tale, but it doesn't quite scratch the Santa and Fantasy itch I've always had. It doesn't catch the magic of the elves and faerie quite right. Magic only enters the tale after Claus and his wife have had a long life as toy givers. Even then, it ignores or changes most of the Christmas legends, (Rudolph gets a different name and totally different story). It lacks that connection to older, deeper mythologies
and is very Christian, aside from an odd digression concerning the Dalai Lama.

For gamemasters looking to add some Christmas spark, Lewis and Willingham’s use of Santa as a gift-giver provides an excellent example. Lewis’ Santa, especially, is similar in role to Tolkien’s Galadriel. Santa can pass on wisdom or knowledge (suitably hidden in rhyme) as well as providing precisely the needed magic weapon or spell. If limited to a one time, special event for a particularly mythic quest, this can work extremely well. Of course, Christmas scenarios can also be drawn from these Santa tales, especially the ongoing war between Santa and the goblins in Tolkien’s The Father Christmas Letters.

Whether you read these tales for fun, for a window into the holiday, or merely to get some ideas for the Christmas Eve role-playing session, I hope you will sing:

Goday, goday, my lord Sire Christëmas, goday!
Goday, Sire Christëmas, our king,
for ev'ry man, both old and ying,
is glad and blithe of your coming;

(Anon. Christmas Carol, 1458)

All views in this blog are my own and represent the views of no other person, organization, or institution.

Saturday, December 9, 2023

Israel and Palestine

 All views in this blog are my own and represent the views of no other person, organization, or institution.

It seems we have to make our stands clear these days.

I am Pro-Israel and Pro-Palestine. 

The following statements are not contradictory. A sane, ethical personal can, and I believe should, hold all these beliefs at the same time. These are NOT presented in any sort of order of importance or validity. 

No one wins the competition to be the greatest victim. 

The nation of Israel exists and deserves to exist.

The nation of Palestine deserves to exist. Sadly, there is no functioning Palestinian government.

A Two State solution is the only moral solution to the conflict between Israel and Palestine. 

That requires Palestinians and Israelis to both acknowledge the other’s right to life and existence. It requires both to compromise on other issues. 

It is wrong to call for the destruction of Israel and the death of all Jews. 

Hamas does this in its charter. It is fundamentally a terrorist organization. 

The Attacks of 7 October 2023 on Israel were wrong. Killing civilian men, women, and children is wrong. Raping women as an act of terrorism (or for any other reason, of course) is wrong. 

Israel is right to seek to root out and destroy Hamas, the terrorist organization.

Netanyahu is a far-right extremist who has empowered far-right extremists in Israel. The democratic state of Israel needs to remove him from office to protect its democracy.

Israeli settlers in the West Bank have used threats, intimidation, and violence in an attempt to drive out Palestinians. This is text book ethnic cleansing and it is wrong. 

Hamas uses other Palestinians as human shields in Gaza. 

That does not absolve Israel of its obligation to prevent war crimes and reduce collateral damage. 

Civilian deaths, aka “collateral damage”, cannot be prevented in warfare but the only acceptable level of such damage is 0. This applies to all nations, everywhere. For example, it applies to the American wars against the Taleban and Al-Qaida as well as Ukraine versus Russia. It is universal. 

The Law of War is not suspended because one side violates it. It is not a pact. You follow the law of war because civilization and morality demands it. Nations that willingly and knowingly violate the Laws of War are tainted by their failures.

The Holocaust happened. It was real. We must never allow it to happen again. 

The Holocaust doesn’t excuse all Israeli actions, forever. 

Israeli actions against the West Bank and Gaza do not excuse terrorist attacks.

Those attacking Jews or Muslims in the United States or elsewhere because they are Jews or Muslims are wrong. There is no place in the world for such hatred and evil.

Knowing these things are true doesn’t solve the problem. But starting from this foundation makes peace between those of good will possible. 

All views in this blog are my own and represent the views of no other person, organization, or institution.

Tuesday, October 31, 2023

A Halloween Review: Frankenstein by Mary Shelley

 A version of this article appeared in Knights of the Dinner Table #168 (October, 2010).

From 2006 through 2012 I was the "Off the Shelf" columnist for Knights of the Dinner Table, a magazine and comic book devoted to tabletop fantasy role paying games. I reviewed classic and modern fantasy, horror, and science fiction novels. Every October I tried to review a work of classic horror in honor of Halloween. I am trying to continue that tradition with my blog. You can find previous Halloween Reviews here. 

The witch is on the broomstick and a chill is in the air as haunted old Halloween arrives. This year I review Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein.

Mary Shelley was a remarkable woman from a remarkable family; her father was a famous philosopher, her mother a famous feminist, her husband the renowned poet Percy Bysshe Shelley. Her early life was remarkable for the early 19th century, ‘radical’ even by today’s standards and colored by a remarkable amount of grief.  Aside from the creation of his monster, she in fact led a far more fascinating and interesting life than her novel’s protagonist. But a full accounting of her life would require a thick biography.

The story of the genesis of Frankenstein is well known. In 1816 she and Percy visited Lord Byron at a villa near Lake Geneva, Switzerland.  To pass the rainy days, Byron suggested they write ghost stories themselves, and from that summer came the story that she later worked into the novel: Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus.

The plot of the novel is well know: Frankenstein, a Byronic figure, becomes infatuated with creating life through electricity and his obsessive studies and experiments allow him to eventually give life to a creature he has constructed from cadavers.  His reaction is not what he expects:

It was on a dreary night of November that I beheld the accomplishment of my toils. With an anxiety that almost amounted to agony, I collected the instruments of life around me, that I might infuse a spark of being into the lifeless thing that lay at my feet. It was already one in the morning; the rain pattered dismally against the panes, and my candle was nearly burnt out, when, by the glimmer of the half-extinguished light, I saw the dull yellow eye of the creature open; it breathed hard, and a convulsive motion agitated its limbs. 

How can I describe my emotions at this catastrophe, or how delineate the wretch whom with such infinite pains and care I had endeavoured to form? His limbs were in proportion, and I had selected his features as beautiful. Beautiful! Great God! His yellow skin scarcely covered the work of muscles and arteries beneath; his hair was of a lustrous black, and flowing; his teeth of a pearly whiteness; but these luxuriances only formed a more horrid contrast with his watery eyes, that seemed almost of the same colour as the dun-white sockets in which they were set, his shrivelled complexion and straight black lips.

Frankenstein violently rejects his creature and abandons it, returning to his home and trying to resume his life as though his demented escapade had never occurred. But of course one’s mistakes cannot be so easily buried or forgotten and tragedy stalks Frankenstein’s loved ones until finally he and the creature race to a final confrontation in the far north. The novel is narrated by the device of a framing tale to the captain of an arctic exploration vessel as Frankenstein recovers from exposure.

Frankentsein is a major influence for gamers, directly inspiring villains in various horror settings like TSR’s Ravenloft. Frankenstein himself serves as an excellent model for either PC protagonist or NPC antagonist, indeed stripped of his scientific trappings he makes an excellent wizard.  The Creature is equally fascinating, and gamemasters who study how he plots his actions and justifies his actions can model truly tragic and emotionally painful foes for their players on him. Of course, for those gaming in a ‘Steam-punk’ setting the novel is practically required reading.  

Frankenstein is a classic novel that fully deserves the attention it receives, but it has perhaps been over-exposed.  High school English teachers reach for it easily, since it grabs the attention of students and the author’s life touches on so many important themes: Romanticism, Feminism, Liberalism, and so forth. But few of us truly enjoy works we are forced to read as homework, and when our memories are tainted by dozens of movies which pay only a passing nod to the novel while employing its themes and characters with casual abandon, it is only natural the one begins to think of it as an anemic, unoriginal motif.

But Shelley’s novel is more than that, it is a rich, full-bodied gothic experience that induces in the willing reader a deep despair. Her prose is as carefully crafted as any other from that most literary period, and just as passionate as anything written by Byron or Shelley themselves. 

When the moon is full and you wish to delve into the soul of horror and despair, leave the urban vampire tales alone and revisit Frankenstein.  It will be time well spent. 

All views in this blog are my own and represent the views of no other person, organization, or institution.