On New Years, 2019 a friend of mine posted a list of the books they had read in 2018. I thought it was a great idea so I've been posting such a list myself ever since, first on Facebook, now on my blog. I find it a very useful exercise in self-reflection - though I am sure it is really just another example of my narcissism. 😏If anyone else makes such lists, I'd love to see them. Feel free to share the lists, or links to your lists, in the comments.😀 You can find my previous years here: 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, and 2023.
Looking over this year's list (see below), these trends stood out:
# of Rereads: 21 (I've marked rereads below with an *)
# of YA reads: 11
# Military History reads: 2
# Military History reads: 2
# non-military History reads: 3
# of D&D or other RPG related reads: 11
# related to Lovecraft or the Mythos: 2
# Forgotten Realms: 5
# of Marine reads: 2
# Frigate Navy period reads: 1
# Forgotten Realms: 5
# of Marine reads: 2
# Frigate Navy period reads: 1
# Thieves' World & related: 3
# Matter of Britain/France works: 4
# Matter of Britain/France works: 4
# of holiday reads: 8
# historical fiction reads: 5
# World War II reads: 2
# Folklore or Mythology reads: 3
# Books about writers and writing: 2
The most obvious difference this year was significantly fewer books were read. That's fine with me, it's not a competition. i could pump the numbers by reading a bunch of short books, but the numbers are meaningless so why bother? Well, not quite meaningless, I do count, but only to consider how my reading habits change from one year to the next.
In this case, I know there are fewer books because I did a ton of reading that wasn't books. I reread the summaries or logs if you will of all of my old play-by-email roleplaying games, starting with Mercs. I reread them as i reedited them and added images planning to release them on a new blog, but so far I only have the Mercs summaries up. But I read them all, and since each chapter is 100-300 pages of text, each was like a novel. A LOT of fun for me, rereading them. But It didn't feel "right" including them in my count for the year.
Similarly, I don't include the reading I do for work here, mostly. I read a LOT for work, it is the nature of the beats, and one reason I love my job. But it tends to be piecemeal and scatter-shot. I read chapter in this book followed by a chapter in another. I only include work reading here when I read a work from beginning to end straight through.
I can't call this a satisfying year, some of the books I found surprisingly excellent - Spelljammer: Memory's Wake and The Dead of Winter but I was often a bit disappointed in the new books I read, like the Century trilogy.
2025 is shaping up to be a bad year, here's hoping I can get some good reading in to hide from it!
What I read in 2024:
#2. The Dark Is Rising: Over Sea, Under Stone by Susan Cooper*
#4. The Dark Is Rising: Greenwitch by Susan Cooper*
#6. The Dark Is Rising: The Grey King by Susan Cooper*
#7. Gotrek & Felix: Trollslayer by William King
#8. The Dark Is Rising: Silver on the Tree by Susan Cooper*
#41. Kringle by Tony Abbott*
#47. Life on a Mediaeval Barony: A Picture of a Typical Feudal Community in the Thirteenth Century by William Stearns Davis*
All views in this blog are my own and represent the views of no other person, organization, or institution.
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